Lupe Gajardo in faffa sweat and fuffi pants black
faffa sweat black
Lupe Gajardo wearing Faffa sweat black


Precio habitual $78,000
Impuesto incluido. Los gastos de envío se calculan en la pantalla de pagos.

Uno de nuestros favoritos de esta colección, sweater rectangular de una pieza sin cortes.

Manga tipo murciélago abultada en puños, silueta moderna y limpia.

Diseño versátil para toda ocasión y temporada.

Úsalo en su conjunto al pantalón Fuffi y conoce "el nuevo traje" en un estilo casual y extra cool.

Patrón cero desperdicio.



Sudadera rectangular de una pieza sin cortes. Corte holgado, con mangas abultadas en los puños. Gran bolsillo frontal. Patrón de desperdicio cero.

We hope you find all the information needed to find the correct size.

For unique pieces that can be customised, follow the measurement guides below, and send us your information together with your preferred fit (tight, regular, loose, oversized)


We use sizes from XXS to XXL in our garments. In the Conversion table you can match Lupe Gajardo to European, UK, and American sizes


In the chart you can identify which of our sizes will fit your body.
The measurements are in cms.


See the picture below to learn how to measure your body.

To keep your garment as good as new, always follow the instructions on the labels. Many of our designs are made up of more than one type of material, so it's always best to follow the specific product instructions carefully.

 To preserve all your garments looking fresh for years, we offer you the care guidelines for each type of fabric that we follow. Make sure to test any cleaning scheme in a small (ideally hidden) area before you wash at home your new garments




La lana naturalmente tiene la propiedad de autolimpieza, en vez de lavar, es recomendable colgar tus prendas al aire para que se ventilen. En la mayoría de los casos, esto es suficiente para que se eliminen olores (cigarro, desodorante, comida), recuperen su frescura, textura y aspecto original


Para eliminar malos olores, puedes meter tu prenda en una bolsa sellada tipo ziploc y dejarla en el freezer por 6 horas.




La lana naturalmente evita la penetración de manchas, limpiarlas con un paño húmedo y frío normalmente resuelve el problema rápidamente.


Si vas a lavar tu prenda, usa un detergente suave o neutro y hazlo a mano con agua fría o tibia.


Nunca uses agua caliente, blanqueadores, ni laves tus prendas a máquina.



Después de lavarla, no estrujes, presiona una toalla contra la prenda para sacar el exceso de agua y déjala secando idealmente en posición horizontal, ya que al colgar, las fibras se estiran pudiendo deformarse.




En la mayoría de los casos, la ventilación de las prendas de lana permite que las fibras retomen su forma original y desaparezcan las arrugas.


Para arrugas más resistentes, puedes darle un baño de vapor (cuelga tu prenda en el baño mientras te duchas con agua caliente). El vapor humedece las fibras y les permite volver a su forma original.


- Si te parece necesario planchar tu prenda, hazlo por el revés, usa vapor o humedece previamente con un paño húmedo y ajusta tu plancha a temperatura media o en modo “Lana”.
- Nunca planches la lana completamente seca ni uses temperaturas muy calientes porque puede decolorar la prenda.




Las prendas tejidas deben ser dobladas para guardarlas, si las cuelgas se pueden deformar.


Las prendas de paño de lana (abrigos, pantalones, polerones colección 2021-1) puedes colgarlas en colgadores acolchados.


Si vas a guardar tus prendas de lana por largos periodos, asegúrate de que estén limpias, los aceites. corporales y manchas de alimento atraen a las polillas.


A modo general, o en casos de no tener o haber perdido las instrucciones, te dejamos los cuidados de telas de algodón que nosotros seguimos.



Si la prenda tiene manchas importantes, sugerimos lavarla inmediatamente a mano previo al lavado general.


- Siempre lava tus prendas por el reverso. 
- Usa detergentes suaves o neutros, estos evitan pérdida prematura de colores.
- Siempre lava tus prendas con colores similares.
- Si lavas a máquina, elige ciclos delicados para evitar debilitar las fibras       naturales del algodón.
- Si es una pieza de algodón tejido, lo ideal es lavarla a mano.
- En caso de usar lavadora, mete tu prenda en una bolsa para lavado de ropa.


La temperatura del agua debe ser idealmente fría o tibia. No uses agua caliente ya que puede deformar las fibras, encoger las prendas, y alterar los colores.


Seca todas tus prendas Lupe Gajardo naturalmente, cuelgalas en un colgador de ropa, idealmente evitando la exposición al sol.

Evita la secadora, ya que el calor tiene los mismos efectos que el agua caliente, deforma, encoge y destine. En casos de tener que usarla, selecciona el ciclo con la temperatura lo más baja posible. 

Las prendas de algodón tejido, debes secarlas horizontalmente, si las cuelgas, tu prenda se puede deformar por que las fibras se estiran debido al peso del agua.



Si no tienes plancha, puedes exponer tus prendas de algodón a baños de vapor y en muchos casos, las arrugas disminuyen o desaparecen. (cuelga tu prenda en el baño mientras te duchas con agua caliente).


Plancha tus prendas por el revés. puedes planchar al vapor o con plancha convencional. 

En planchas domésticas, lo ideal es que uses vaporizador, o humedece las prendas previamente. La temperatura no debe superar los 160 grados. La mayoría de las planchas tiene un “modo algodón”, usa este modo de planchado.


Las prendas de algodón tejido deben ser dobladas, si las cuelgas se pueden deformar.
Cuelga o dobla tus prendas una vez que estén completamente secas. 


Si vas a guardar tus prendas por largos periodos, asegúrate de que:
- Estén limpias, los aceites corporales y manchas de alimento atraen a las polillas.
- Estén secas, la humedad puede facilitar la aparición de hongos
- Si vas a almacenar tu ropa por largos períodos (mas de 2-3 meses) No las   guardes en bolsas ni en cajas plásticas ya que la humedad residual puede   facilitar la aparición de hongos.
- Guarda tu ropa en cajas de cartón o bolsas de tela (idealmente lino o algodón).
- Es importante que el lugar donde guardes tu ropa sea seco, si crees que la   humedad ambiental puede ser elevada, almacenar tus prendas en contenedores   plásticos puede ser una opción más segura para evitar la aparición de hongos y   malos olores. 
For Silk in general, we recommend dry cleaning. If you plan to wash silk pieces at home, here you will find the care guidelines we follow.



Silk can be washed if the right detergent and recommendations are followed. Before washing keep in mind that the dye in silk fabrics normally bleeds, potentially staining other pieces of clothing, so wash it alone. Bleeding during the first wash is normal, and it will not result in loss of color. 

If you are going to wash a silk piece made of more than one color, test for bleeding by dipping an area of your garment in lukewarm water. If you find dye released in the water, take your garment to the dry cleaner to avoid the dye staining other parts of your item.

Keep in mind that in some cases, smooth silk can become textured after being washed.


In cases of stains, before washing you should pretreat stains with a suitable stain remover product (make sure the label in the product states its safe for silk fabrics)



Handwashing is the best way to clean at home, while protecting silk fabrics
Wash inside out
Wash alone or with similar colors only.
Fill a sink or container with cool water and add silk/delicate laundry soap.
Immerse your garment and gently shake the water to distribute the soap and water. Keep the item submerged for up to 30 minutes allowing oils and dirt to be released.
Do not brush, twist, or stretch, it could permanently alter the item’s shape.
To rinse, run cool water through the material until the water is no longer soapy. Do not twist. Instead, press the water out of the fabric between your hands or against the container/sink.
It is normal for silk to bleed, do not worry if you notice some color in the water. Dye being released from silk is normal and your garment will not have loss of color after washing.


Wash inside out.
Place your item in a mesh washing bag to protect it while inside the washing machine.
Select delicate or silk cycle on the washing machine (make sure that the spin is low to avoid unwanted stretches or twists).
Select cold water temperature.
Use silk or delicate detergent.
Remove your silk pieces from the machine as soon as possible after the cycle is completed to reduce wrinkles.


Avoid sun exposure when drying.
The best way to dry Silk is by laying it flat to dry. 
Hang to dry in case you can’t lay flat. When hanging, make sure to position the garment properly to prevent stretching or shape distortion.


The best way to remove wrinkles is by the use of steam. 
If steam is not possible, Iron inside out with a “steam” setting and at low temperature, hovering over the garment – avoid making contact.


Always keep silk in cool, dry, and dark places. 
Silk is easily affected by light, and areas of discolouration or fade can show up if it is exposed to light for long periods.
If you plan to store silk items for long periods of time, place them in breathable bags - NOT PLASTIC - Silk is a natural fiber so it needs to breathe.
Make sure your items are completely clean before storing them. Even the dirt or natural oils from your body after a day or use can degrade the fabric if stored unchecked for long periods of time.
Silk pieces well cared for, can last a lifelong and more, justifying your investment and efforts by providing you with a luxurious feeling and style until the next generation takes over. 


Linen is a beautiful fabric that comes from the natural fibers of the Flax plant. It is naturally breezy & breathable. It has been used as a textile for thousands of years, and caring for it is quite simple. 
Linen is very durable, becoming softer and more beautiful with each wash, as its threads do not look worn or faded with repeated wash. Also, is generally stronger and more absorbent than cotton, and it's production uses less resources, making it a more sustainable fabric.
To keep your garment as good as new, always follow the instructions on the labels. Many of our designs are made up of more than one type of material, so it's always best to follow the specific product instructions carefully. To preserve all your linen garments looking fresh for years, we offer you the guidelines for linen care that we follow. 
Make sure to test any cleaning scheme in a small (ideally hidden) area before washing your new garments.


Linen garments in general do not need to be dry cleaned, only pieces that are safer by being sent to the dry cleaners are the structured items, for example jackets or suits. 


In cases of stains, before washing you should pretreat stains with a suitable stain remover product (make sure the label in the product states its safe for linen or cotton fabrics).


Linen garments can be hand or machine washed safely. 
Use lukewarm or cold water and mild detergents.  
Set the machine in gentle-delicate settings.
Always wash with similar colors.
If hand washing, avoid twisting and stretching to protect the shape of your pieces. 


The best way to dry linen is by laying it flat or hanging it.
You can also tumble dry in low temperature settings. Make sure to remove linen items from the dryer and hang them to finish drying when still a bit damp, it helps avoid the garments becoming stiff and wrinkled.


Ironing linen is not really needed, unless they are extremely wrinkled. If you need to iron, do it when the item is still damp. 
Set the iron in medium to hot temperatures with steam. 
Light colored linen can be ironed on both sides. Dark pieces can be only pressed on the reverse side.


Store linen pieces in dry, cool places.
It is also better to fold instead of hanging to avoid shape distortion.
When storing for long periods of time, place your garments in breathable bags or boxes and DO NOT USE PLASTIC for storage.



To keep your garment as good as new, always follow the instructions on the labels. Many of our designs are made up of more than one type of material, so it's always best to follow the specific instructions carefully. Still, for polyester in general, or if you lost the instructions, we leave you here the care of polyester fabrics that we follow.

Polyester fabrics are quite strong, which makes machine washable. With following a few requirements you can keep your polyester pieces in excellent shape for a long time.


Prewash Stains: In cases of stains, before washing you should pretreat stains with a suitable stain remover product (make sure the label in the product indicate its safe for polyester)


Polyester can be washed in the washing machine, but you have to keep in mind that polyester is sensitive to heat, so always use warm to cool water. Wash with similar colors and fabric types 


Polyester fabrics normally dry fast, you can hang your garments to air-dry If you are going to use a tumble dryer, set it at medium temperaturePolyester generally doesn’t wrinkle. Iron as needed at a low temperature setting, or steam when drying polyester garments.


Polyester does not wrinkle much, but if you need to iron, do so in low temperatures setting


All the knitted pieces should be stored folded to avoid stretch or shape distortion. All other polyester garments (woven) like pants, tops, jackets, etc, can be hung  Make sure you store your clothes clean and dry.
If you plan to store polyester items for long periods of time, follow the abobe instructions and place them in breathable bags - NOT PLASTIC - to avoid the fabrics becoming yellowish and trapping moisture.

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